Saturday, June 6, 2009

How Time Flies...

I've been thinking a lot about how fast time flies this week. My Kara Anne graduated from 8th grade and will be in high school next year! Wow! That means that she is just four years away from leaving home and me. It seems like just a couple of years ago, we were watching her walk in the school for her first day of kindergarten while Shawn wept in the parking lot. Now, she is moving on to high school! I realize more than ever that we have to trust her to remember what we have taught her and to trust God to remind her and take care of her.

She is not perfect by any means(none of us are), but she is a joy and a blessing from God that I will forever thank him for.

Now, a little about me...I don't really feel old enough to have a high school student. I mean, didn't our parents seem so old and uncool when we were in high school? I'm still young and cool! Ok, maybe not that young, but still cool! Well, maybe not that young or that cool, but surely I'm not a total wash out already!

I mortified my daughter last night, because I got out of the car to introduce myself to a parent of her friend who was having a party. What's the big deal? Am I that much of an embarassment? I could definitely be much worse! As I got back in the car after pretty much being ignored by my precious daughter, my mind went back to when my dad used to grill the boys that I wanted to go out with in high school...without me present! Now, that is mortifying!!!!!!

How did time go by so quickly that now I am that parent causing such inner turmoil in my child? Good grief, this could be a long four years, at least!

So, I'm going to begin dealing with the fact that I am not necessarily what I perceive myself to be in other's eyes (like my kids). I love my kids with all my heart, and they both know that, but suddenly it has occured to me that I hold more power over them than I ever have! Therefore, if I am now an embarassment, I will definitely not let that fact go to waste, and instead, use it to my advantage. Watch out, kiddos...Mom still has a few tricks up her sleeves and is not afraid to use them! You are now faced with the age old dilemma of facing your greatest asset in life or your most destructive enemy! MUAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


  1. You are both amazing parents!! Congratulations Kara Anne! May God continue to pour His blessings over your family!

  2. You an embarrassment....NO WAY!! :) I think I need to get a notebook to take notes on your next four years, so I know how to handle it when my time you guys!! Yea, KiKi!!
