Saturday, May 23, 2009

This is what I choose....

I've been thinking alot about choices lately. What a huge responsibility that God allowed us to have for ourselves. It is amazing to me that the God of Creation made the choice to allow us to accept or reject him even though he already knows the outcome. I have sometimes struggled with indecisiveness over many things like what to wear today, what to cook for the family, should I drink a milkshake or have a get the idea!

As I have gotten older, the choices just seem to get more difficult, too! Now, I have to make choices not just for myself, but for my family and my job. What is best for my children involves such difficult decisions and teaching them how to make good choices is so important! God has blessed me with two wonderful, healthy children who love him and love life. One of my many prayers for them is that they would make good choices and seek God's guidance when doing so.

I once told my mom that I was feeling really guilty about something that happened years ago, and she looked me in the eye and said, "Feeling guilty is a choice." What???? I can't help it if I feel guilty!!! Or can I?

I am learning that most of what I do or what happens to me in life is about choices. What does this mean to me? It means that I don't have control over everything that happens to me or around me, but how I react or what I do is my choice. Today, I choose joy.

Today, I choose love.

Today, I choose peace.

Today, I choose friendship.

Today, I choose Jesus.

Thank you God for giving me the choice!